The Lives of Others (2006)

Another re-post from the old blog, This film is about how the human soul can communicate volumes. And if you’re truly listening and allow yourself to be open, something profound can happen

Brilliantly written and directed by Florian Henckel Von Donnersmarck, This Academy winning foreign film from Germany is set during the last vestiges of the Cold War. In a country where the government made it their business to know not only your identity, but your thoughts. It’s a cautionary tale where the context is historical, not allegorical.

Yes this is a fictitious story but the countless accounts in the annals of the Stasi (The East German Secret Police) makes this as close to documentary as it can be

(Cinematography by Hagen Bogdanski)

Louie del Carmen

Director, artist and illustrator.  Los Angeles USA

Mulligans for All


Slip Away