After using this iPad Pro (10.9 inch screen) for over a year now I have to say it’s the best device I’ve ever used for productivity. If it ever runs the full version of Adobe products (mainly Photoshop) It’ll truly mean wide reaching mobility and freedom (There is a Photoshop app available now but it’s a far cry from being pro level)
I still don’t think it will supplant Wacom and it’s fine line of digitizers. Personally I’m a big supporter of them and was demo-ing the first Cintiqs in 2004-2005 and purchased my first one in 2009. Right now my workflow of Cintiq to MacBook Pro to iPad is working so well and hope this nice handshake continues to develop in the future
As far as drawing apps on the iPad? I’ve tried a whole gamut of them and Procreate and Autodesk Sketchbook are in a class by themselves