Divine in the Mundane

Walking the Pacific Ocean on his way to make wine… I wonder (Shot with a Leica D-LUX Typ 109)

Walking the Pacific Ocean on his way to make wine… I wonder (Shot with a Leica D-LUX Typ 109)

Observing strangers and attempting to tell their life story… An amusing past time and somewhat of a lost art in the world of smart phones and social media. The storyteller in me just can’t stop imagining what the next person had for breakfast, or their pet-peeves or whether they take milk with their tea.. Their demeanor and the way they carry themselves says a lot..

A thousand first impressions that keep me guessing. I guess I’m just trying to find the smallest, or the most profound meaning in something before that minute vanishes in the ether

Louie del Carmen

Director, artist and illustrator.  Los Angeles USA


Salt of the Earth


Let The Right One In (2008)